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Therapy Dogs for Social Care

On the 8th November, Charles Hunter Associates was lucky enough to be visited by Therapy Dogs Nationwide.

Using animals, especially Dogs, for therapy is not a new idea; they have been used for over 40 years in the Care Sector. There are a huge number of both physical and emotional benefits of therapy animals, as listed below:

Physical Benefits:

  • Lowers blood pressure.

  • Improves cardiovascular health.

  • Releases calming endorphins (oxytocin).

  • Lowers overall physical pain.

  • The act of petting produces an automatic relaxation response, which is believed to reduce the amount of medication needed by some people.

Mental Health Benefits:

  • Proven to help depression.

  • Lowers feelings of isolation and alienation.

  • Encourages communication.

  • Provides comfort.

  • Increases socialization.

  • Lessens boredom.

  • Reduces anxiety.

  • Aids children in overcoming speech and emotional disorders.

  • Creates motivation for the client to recover faster.

  • Reduces loneliness.

We only had Harry in the office for a couple of hours, but from the second he entered the room, everyone’s mood lifted massively! You may have already experienced Therapy Dogs in your workplace, but if not, we cannot recommend this service enough! 

Rod told us that one of the volunteers regularly visits a high-security mental health institute. When she first started going, no one would even speak to her but because of the effect her dogs have had with the residents, she now receives Christmas cards from them all! This is just one example of how Therapy Dogs can have a strong positive effect on well-being and socialisation.

We know that Christmas is a difficult season in the Care sector, so if you are looking for ways to bring a bit of Christmas joy to someone, Therapy Dogs Nationwide should be your first consideration! The service is free but a donation to the charity is always appreciated. It's a very easy process to set up a visit so it all depends on volunteer availability.

If you would like any further information on Therapy Dogs nationwide, you can visit their website or contact them directly – details below: