​Background Story

From being brought up in a social care background with my mum being a nurse for 40+ years, my passion for care started young. I started out in hospitality and then moved over to the NHS where I was a senior support worker with experience in mental health hospitals and younger adults with eating disorders and autism.

After taking a step back from this, I now find these lovely and dedicated individuals for my clients where they can grow in experience and watch their carers flourish!

Biggest Achievement

My biggest achievement is being the highest achiever in my department in my previous place of employment and having a few exclusive clients which I created great relationships with.

Why Charles Hunter Associates?

I chose Charles Hunter Associates as an employer because of their great attention to detail and the great career plans they put in place for everyone they bring into the company. There is no limit to potential, and I can see great things ahead.

How would your team best describe you in three words?

Driven, Motivated, Bubbly